
About Us

Global Competition for Life Sciences

IYSA has been established since the end of 2018 and as long as IYSA was established and held various competitions, we saw many students and stu- dents who were interested in making projects in the eld of life sciences. It is proven by the dominance of their project in this eld in every competition held by IYSA.

Therefore, our Indonesian Young Scientist Association (IYSA) in collaboration with Food Science and Technology Department, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) and BUCA IMSEF Turkey will hold an international-level Invention com- petition special for the Life Sciences eld called “Global Competition for Life Sciences (GloCoLis)" as the right learning platform to build global competi- tiveness with scientic competencies and build a strong network of research- ers and industry professionals who are able to meet both national and inter- national standards.